
Topics of Interest

Thoughts, learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for leaders and practitioners.

Eric Molho Eric Molho

Leveraging AI for Donor Analysis

Bon Partner’s presentation, “Leverage AI for Donor Analysis” was a breakout session at the 2024 Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Fundraising Conference! In this blog post Eric Molho provides a quick overview of the content and share the slide deck itself to give you an idea of what was shared.

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Eric Molho Eric Molho

The Answer is in the Room: Unlocking Collective Wisdom

One of my favorite tools as a facilitator is to turn questions back to the group. When someone asks a question, I often respond with, “What do you think?” This approach isn't (always) a tactic to buy time; it’s a powerful way to demonstrate the collective wisdom within our team.

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Eric Molho Eric Molho

My Favorite Everyday AI Productivity Uses (So Far)

A completely random, unprioritized list of everyday tasks where AI is helping me. I'm not a techie, so I don’t build apps or reprogram enterprise software. But I'm increasingly leveraging large language model AI tools in my everyday work. While some folks are engaged in the amazing work of transforming entire industries, the rest of us are finding value in embedding AI tools into our daily tasks.

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