Our Services

Experience to help you achieve your mission

What We Do

Strategic Planning

Transform Your Vision into Actionable Results

Strategic plans can take on many forms depending on the needs of an organization. Our number one priority is focusing on an outcome that will benefit you most. Using a data-driven process, we will partner to develop a clear, meaningful path forward. We provide nonprofit strategic planning that honors where you are at and helps your organization take the next step forward. Some common elements of our strategic planning services include:

  • Stakeholder research and analysis

  • Program impact analysis

  • Strategy articulation

  • Plan development and writing

  • Work plan development

  • Evaluation


Amplify Your Message and Effectively Engage Stakeholders

The increasingly complex work of telling your story and reaching your stakeholders requires a clear strategy and dedicated resources. We help organizations clarify their message and prioritize their outreach strategies. We can help you with:

  • Digital outreach strategies

  • Donor engagement campaigns

  • Message development

  • Style guide creation/refinement

  • Marketing strategy

  • Marketing workplans

Leveraging AI for Nonprofits

Create Efficiencies and Increase Productivity with Powerful AI Tools

Beyond the hype, AI tools can have a meaningful impact on helping nonprofit organizations and schools with limited capacity to become more effective and efficient. By leveraging the power of tools like ChatGPT, Claude.ai and hundreds of apps, you reduce the amount of time you spend on administrative functions so you can focus more of your organization’s time fulfilling your mission. Some ways we can help you leverage AI include:

  • Personal productivity

  • Data analysis

  • Content creation

  • Training and support

  • Training & Coaching

Training & Coaching

Empower Your Team with Tailored Learning Experiences

Professional development starts with a clear understanding of what we hope our team will know and be able do. Adult learning requires active participation and space for feedback. We create learning experiences that are rooted in practice and engage all participants. Topics we are frequently asked to support include:

  • Use of AI to amplify your impact

  • Board roles and responsibilities

  • Effective meetings

  • Executive communication

  • Leadership development

  • Capacity building workshops

  • Difficult conversations

  • Executive coaching


Navigate Complex Conversations and Drive Consensus

Helping large and small groups succeed while meeting, learning, and listening requires planning and flexibility. Our approach to facilitation focuses on creating a safe, positive environment for all participants to share their perspectives. We are frequently asked to help with events such as:

  • Retreat planning and facilitation

  • Public engagement

  • Small group/team development

  • Focus groups

  • Community engagement sessions

  • Stakeholder alignment workshops