Credit Where Credit is Due: Attributing AI-Generated Content

We often don’t think twice about mentioning that we used Excel for data analysis or a Google Docs template for a proposal. But AI tools now go beyond organizing or presenting content—they generate insights, drafts, and frameworks. AI creates new content we may present as our own which leads to the question of how and when we acknowledge AI’s role in our work.

Why Acknowledge AI's Role?

Transparency is a key reason. Just as we credit team members and sources, we should acknowledge AI's contributions. By acknowledging AI’s contributions, we maintain transparency and trust in our work, while also giving credit where it’s due. 

Journalists and educators are leading the discussion on AI attribution. In academia, documenting research accurately is essential. Style manuals such as the MLA, the Chicago Manual of Style and APA  now include rules for citing AI. In creative fields such as photography and art, proper attribution is both appropriate and often legally required. 

But the rest of us also need to recognize AI's role in our work. Here are some ways to do that:

Direct Quotes/Graphics

Clearly label AI-generated writing or graphics. If you didn’t create it, don’t take credit for it. If we are using AI content whole-cloth, it’s important to be honest with our audience. 

Possible Citations:

  • Written by ChatGPT.

  • This email was system-generated.

  • Image created using Adobe Firefly from the prompt "brown owl in a forest."

Edited and Assisted Content

Many people use AI to strengthen their own content. Including a blanket statement in your email signature or on a blog header can help address this practice consistently.

Possible Citations:

  • This content/email/blog was created with the assistance of AI.

  • I sometimes use AI tools to ensure clarity and efficiency.

  • AI helped draft this content to save time.

  • I often use AI to assist in my writing. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Formal Documents

While most of us no longer write term papers requiring footnotes, we should still cite key sources for important information. When acknowledging team contributions in reports or proposals we should include AI if it played a role.

Possible Citations:

  • We used for some background research and drafting this report.

  • ChatGPT created some images in this presentation.

How Are You Acknowledging AI?

How do you recognize AI's role in your work? Where are you including attribution and where do you feel it isn’t helpful?

And for the record, I leveraged ChatGPT to help edit and tighten my prose in this blog post! 😊

The cover image associated with this article was generated by ChatGPT.


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