My Favorite Everyday AI Productivity Uses (So Far)

I'm not a techie, so I don’t build apps or reprogram enterprise software. But I'm increasingly leveraging large language model AI tools in my everyday work. While some folks are engaged in the amazing work of transforming entire industries, the rest of us are finding value in embedding AI tools into our daily tasks. Here are a few of my favorite routine uses for AI:

Reducing Word Count

I grew up in a wordy family, and it shows in my writing. While there’s a place for rich prose, today’s mobile screens and social media demand clear, succinct text. AI helps me reduce verbosity and tighten my prose. I often use prompts like, “reduce the word count on this text by 20%.”

Qualitative Analysis

My work frequently involves qualitative data analysis, including things like survey answers or interview responses. AI can’t replace the time I need to read these responses, but it can dramatically enhance my understanding with an analysis that takes just seconds. Sometimes, AI-generated insights differ from mine, adding richness to my understanding. I use prompts like, “What are the top four themes in these survey responses?” or “Summarize these interview responses in one paragraph” to see how the tool identifies key takeaways.

Jump Start Writing

Whether I’m stuck or need a creativity boost, asking AI for multiple drafts or content ideas can save time. While AI writing is frequently formulaic, it can also inspire thoughts or starters to kickstart my creativity. For instance, I used ChatGPT and Claude to explore how other people use AI tools daily to inform this post.

Technology Guidance

Ever searched for online task instructions only to find outdated or incomplete info? AI tools are more efficient at guiding me through steps to navigate technology, apps, and online tools. I love using prompts like, “explain this to me as if I were a sixth grader” to ensure clarity. For example, I asked ChatGPT to walk me through removing duplicate images from a pictures folder, and the instructions were basic and clear and assumed no prior knowledge.

Anticipating Resistance

I love using AI to help me better prepare for meetings and conversations. If I have to present a recommendation to a board or team, I will often upload the content and ask AI to punch holes in my argument. “What are the biggest challenges to implementing this?” or “What questions will someone who doesn’t like this policy ask?” are the kinds of prompts I use to help me anticipate and prepare for resistance.

We use AI in countless ways, often without realizing it. The uses above reflect the kind of work I’m doing, but may look different from the kind of work you do. I’m curious how you’re using AI to be more effective. How is AI saving you time and creating efficiencies in your day-to-day tasks?

The cover image associated with this article was created by ChatGPT.


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Credit Where Credit is Due: Attributing AI-Generated Content