The Answer is in the Room: Unlocking Collective Wisdom

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, surrounded by colleagues, and realized that the solution to your problem is right there in the room? One of my favorite tools as a facilitator is to turn questions back to the group. When someone asks a question, I often respond with, “What do you think?” This approach isn't (always) a tactic to buy time; it’s a powerful way to demonstrate the collective wisdom within our team.

Recently, while working with a business coach on my own business, I experienced this firsthand. She asked me insightful questions that forced me to articulate things I already knew but hadn't been able to express or act on without her guidance. This reminded me of a fundamental truth: while external help can offer new perspectives, often, we already know the answers. As I like to say, “The Answer is in the Room.” Sometimes we just have to discover it.

Why Do We Struggle to Find Answers We Already Know?

Here are a few reasons, but you’ve probably got some other great ideas.

  1. We Need Permission: Sometimes, we lack confidence in our answers and need a different context to encourage our input. This might come from a retreat, an explicit invitation to participate, or another form of encouragement that boosts our confidence.
    How are you explicitly leveraging the collective knowledge of your team and colleagues?

  2. We Need Accountability: Knowing what to do and actually doing it can be worlds apart. Many of us need an accountability system or process to transform ideas into action.
    What tools do you have in place to move ideas out of your head and into reality?

  3. We Need Fresh Eyes: The ‘answer’ may not always be obvious or clearly articulated. We might have all the data and organizational wisdom we need, but it may take facilitation or fresh approaches to see how the puzzle pieces fit together.
    How can you help get your team unstuck with a new approach or setting to uncover the knowledge you share?

As a consultant, I rarely believe my thinking is superior to that of the organizations I partner with. They are the experts in their missions, with years of rich experience informing their next steps. My role is to help organize that wisdom into actionable plans or solutions. The answer isn’t out there with some expert or silver bullet. The answer is in the room.

Applying This Insight

Next time someone asks you a question, try flipping it around and putting it out to the team. Try creating space for the creativity and knowledge already present to surface. You might find an answer quicker than you think.

The cover image associated with this article was created by ChatGPT.


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